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All E3Expander™ products enable growers to reduce input costs by as much as 30% while using the same chemicals and fertilizer that they have come to know and trust. E3Expander™ gives you better control over your costs without compromising quality.

E3Expander™ is non-toxic to people and animals. Producers have used E3Expander™ to qualify for enhancement criteria in the USDA Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP) by reducing toxic chemicals and fertilizer.

E3Expander™ chemical application formula is ideal for chemical fallow and no-till farming practices.

2015 Season Fertilizer Application Formula Field Trial results CLICK HERE
2015 Season Chemical Application Formula Field Trial results CLICK HERE

Grower Benefits
E3Expander™ Chemical Application Formula
• E3Expander™ acts as a drift retardant with wind up to 19 miles per hour, eliminating in some cases 2 or 3 other adjuvant and/or wetting agent products to accomplish the same result, reducing your costs per acre and increasing your control.
• E3Expander™’s nanotechnology is particularly valuable in using less chemical and getting better results, even when there is glyphosate resistance.
• E3Expander™’s nanotechnology increases plant hydration and, with moisture, reactivates for up to 30 days. Use 30% less of your main ingredient chemicals (like RoundUp™) and get comparable results with less cost.
• E3Expander™’s formula gives you high product retention with minimal washout.
• E3Expander™ is easy to use, non-toxic, and environmentally safe.
• E3Expander™ chemical application formula is ideal for chemical fallow and no-till farming practices. The use of E3Expander™  can reduce or even eliminate spray applications for chemical fallow in no-till farming practices.

E3Expander™ Fertigation Formula
• E3Expander™ reduces runoff of nitrogen/fertilizer; enhances delivery and overall plant hydration.
• E3Expander™ gives high nitrogen retention with minimal washout from the plant and soil, up to 30 days.
• E3Expander™ enables growers the option to reduce nitrogen while maintaining yields.
• E3Expander™ means that you use 30% less nitrogen and fertilizer and get comparable results with lower costs.
• E3Expander™ greatly reduces nitrate accumulation below the root zone in soil and ground water over time.

E3Expander™ In-Furrow and Sprayer Fertilizer Application Formula
In-Furrow Application Benefits
• E3Expander™ combined with your in-furrow and side-by-side phosphorus and nitrogen applications will keep the desired fertilizer in place longer, so that more is available to the plant during the stages of growth.
• E3Expander™ reduces runoff and dilution through the soil profile. 
• E3Expander™’s nanotechnology increases plant hydration and, with moisture, reactivates for up to 30 days.

Sprayer Application Benefits
• E3Expander™ acts as a drift retardant with wind up to 19 miles per hour, eliminating in some cases 2 or 3 other adjuvant or wetting agent products to accomplish the same result, reducing your costs and increasing your control.
• E3Expander™’s nanotechnology increases plant hydration and, with moisture, reactivates for up to 30 days. Use 30% less of you main ingredient fertilizer/nitrogen and get the same results with less cost.
• E3Expander™’s formula gives you high product retention with minimal washout.
• E3Expander™ greatly reduces chemical and nitrogen accumulation in soil over time.
• E3Expander™ is easy to use, non-toxic, and environmentally safe.

Always read and follow all directions for use.

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